Apr 24
Bid ended

RFP - Disaster Response Services and Supplies #15329

Jackson County, MS (G-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 4/24/24 12:00pm

Company & Contacts

Jackson County Board of Supervisors
Cindy Steen  

Notice is hereby given that Jackson County is soliciting responses for DISASTER RESPONSE SERVICES AND SUPPLIES. Interested and qualified respondents/firms may submit RFP Packages, according to the requirements described herein. All interested respondents/firms are REQUIRED and MUST REGISTER with Jackson County Plan Room through PH Bidding Plan House at jacksoncoplans.com,. to electronically view and download the RFP package documents. Registration is FREE. The primary purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to provide disaster response services and supplies to the County as needed to maintain public health, safety, and well-being during the response and recovery efforts to an emergency/disaster situation in the shortest time possible.

All RFP Packages are due by or before 12 p.m. (CT) on April 24, 2024. Any packages delivered to or received after the 12 p.m. deadline will not be considered and shall be returned unopened to the addressee. All RFP Packages will be publicly opened and read aloud at 1:00 p.m. (CT) on April 24, 2024, in the Board of Supervisor's Board Room in the Jackson County Services Complex located at 2915 Canty Street, Pascagoula, MS 39567.

Any and all questions or requests for information relating to this Request for Proposal shall be submitted in writing by or before 12 p.m. (CT) on April 16,  2024.

Contact Information:
Sonya Carter, Grants Director
P.O. Box 998
Pascagoula, MS 39568-0998
Email: sonya_carter@co.jackson.ms.us


Interested respondents/firms may not contact any staff member of .Jackson County, except the above referenced individual with regard to this RFP. All inquiries will be routed to the appropriate staff member for response.


All RFP Packages MUST be submitted either ELECTRONICALLY through  jacksoncoplans .com , or in a SEALED envelope/container and clearly marked on the exterior of the package: "DISASTER RESPONSE SERVICES AND SUPPLIES". Each package submitted must have the respondent's/firm's name and mailing address marked plainly on the outside of the envelope/container.

Each package shall consist of one (1) color original paper submittal and six (6) color copies, one (1) USB flash drive (only if submitting as a SEALED envelope/container) containing one (1) Color PDF of the original documents of the RFP Package which shall include all required documents and any supplemental information. The RFP  documents

MUST be on 8 1/2" X 11" pages, numbered, 1-inch margins, typewritten with Times New Roman style and 12 size fonts.


Mail or Ship RFP Packages to:              OR

Jackson County Board of Supervisors Attn: Josh Eldridge, Chancery Clerk RE: Disaster Response Services and

Supplies RFP

P.O. Box 998

Pascagoula, MS 39568-0998

Hand Deliver RFP Packages to: Jackson County Board of Supervisors Attn: Josh Eldridge, Chancery Clerk RE: Disaster Response Services and

Supplies RFP

2915 Canty Street, Suite R Pascagoula, MS 39567


For any questions relating to the electronic submittal, call Plan House at 662-687-1209. Interested and qualified respondents/firms that submit electronically, MUST submit RFP Packages with the same information, forms, and requirements as for Sealed RFP Packages. When submitting electronically, the RFP Package must be submitted as a single "PDF" file with the first page bearing the name of the respondent, his mailing address, and the name of the RFP for which the RFP Package is submitted. When RFP Packages are submitted electronically, respondents must ensure that their electronic submission can be accessed and viewed by the County immediately upon opening. The County will consider any file that cannot be immediately accessed and viewed at the time of the opening (such as, encrypted files, password protected files, or incompatible files) to be blank or incomplete as context requires and are therefore unacceptable. A respondent will not be permitted to unencrypt files, remove password protections, or resubmit documents after opening to make a file viewable if those documents are required with the RFP Package. Electronic RFP Packages must be secured with a blue ink signature or an electronic signature.