22-063.06 Suzanne Drive Drainage Improvements #15079
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date3/6/24 10:00am
Bid Date3/13/24 10:00am
Notice is hereby given that the City of D’Iberville, Mississippi, will receive sealed bids at City Hall, City of D’Iberville, 10383 Automall Pkwy, D’Iberville, Mississippi 39540 until 10:00 a.m. (CDT) on March 13, 2024, and then sealed bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 11:00 a.m. for the following:
MDEQ Mississippi Municipal and County Wastewater Infrastructure Grant ARPA
Subaward 549-2-SW-5.6
Bids are invited for the Drainage Improvements for Suzanne Drive. The project is located in the CITY OF D’IBERVILLE, HARRISON COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI.
A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on March 6, 2024, at the office of Seymour Engineering, 925 Tommy Munro Drive, Suite G, Biloxi, Mississippi. It is strongly suggested that all prospective Bidders attend this meeting.
All Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bank draft payable to the order of The City of D’Iberville, Mississippi, negotiable U.S. Government bonds (at par value), or a satisfactory Bid bond executed by the Bidder and an acceptable surety, must be submitted in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid.
All Bids submitted in excess of $50,000.00 by a prime or subcontractor to do any erection, building, construction, repair, maintenance or related work, must comply with Section 31-3-21, Mississippi Code of 1972, by having a current Certificate of Responsibility from the State Board of Public Contractors. The scope of work for this project shall require a Contractor to be classified in the following category: Municipal and Public Work or Highway Street and Bridge Construction.
Bid documents are being made available via paper copy or digital copy (CD). All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders are required to register for an account and log-in at www.SeymourEngPlans.com. At this site, plans can be viewed at no charge or physically purchased. All Prospective Bidders and Plan Holders must have a valid email address for registration. Purchased bid documents are non-refundable and must be purchased through the website. A view only copy of the plans, specifications, and proposal documents are also available at the office of Seymour Engineering, 925 Tommy Munro Drive, Suite G, Biloxi, Mississippi and may be examined during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday). The Seymour Engineering Project Manager is Jody Spires and can be contacted at the listed address or jspires@seymoureng.com regarding the project.
Bids may be submitted via envelope or electronically at www.SeymourEngPlans.com until the time specified. Bids received after the specified time will be returned unopened. Bids submitted by envelope must be addressed to JODI WEISE, CITY CLERK, City of D’Iberville, City Hall, 10383 Automall Pkwy, D’Iberville, Mississippi 39540 and designated as Bid for:
MDEQ Mississippi Municipal and County Wastewater Infrastructure Grant ARPA
Subaward 549-2-SW-5.6
The current Certificate of Responsibility Number shall be indicated on the exterior of the sealed bid envelope in order to be opened. All Bids submitted for $50,000 or less shall be so marked on the exterior of the sealed bid envelope.
The City of D’Iberville reserves the right to reject any and all bids received and to award said bid in the best interest of the City. Bids may be held for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders, prior to awarding of the Contract.
Additional information regarding the scope of work for this solicitation may also be viewed utilizing the Mississippi Procurement Technical Assistance Program (MPTAP) website at https://mscpc.com.
The grant funds provided by this agreement are made available pursuant to the Municipality and County Water Infrastructure (MCWI) Grant Program Grant of 2022 (Miss. Code Ann. § 49-2-131), provided through funds awarded to the State of Mississippi pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), Public Law 117-2 (March 11, 2021), provided through the US Department of Treasury pursuant to Federal Award #SLFRP0003 and CFDA No. 21.027 awarded on May 10, 2021, and subsequently to MDEQ through Mississippi Senate Bill 3056, 2022 Regular Session (April 26, 2022) and Mississippi House Bill 1716, 2023 Regular Session (March 22, 2023), Treasury Regulations 31 C. F. R. § 34 et seq., including 31 C. F. R. §§ 34, Subpart D, all applicable terms and conditions in 2 C. F. R. Part 200 (including Appendix II to Part 200), and all other OMB circulars, executive orders or other federal laws or regulations, as applicable.
Any contract awarded under this solicitation may be paid for in whole or in part with grant funding from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality / Mississippi Municipality and County Wastewater Infrastructure Grant ARPA Subaward 549-2-SW-5.6. Any contract resulting from this solicitation will be subject to the terms and conditions of said funding award, Treasury Regulations, Subpart D, all applicable terms and conditions in 2 C. F. R. Part 200 (including Appendix II to Part 200), and all other OMB circulars, executive orders or other federal laws or regulations, as applicable. The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, the United States, or any of its departments, agencies or employees is not and will not be a party to this solicitation or any resulting contract.
Minority and women’s business enterprises are solicited to submit a statement of qualifications and encouraged to make inquiries regarding potential subcontracting opportunities. When subcontracting, all potential contractors must make positive efforts to use small and minority owned business and women business enterprises. See 2. C. F. R. 200.321.
SUBRECIPIENT along with any sub-grantee, contractor, sub-contractor, successor, transferee, and assignee shall comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits recipients of federal financial assistance from excluding from a program or activity, denying benefits of, or otherwise discriminating against a person on the basis of race, color, or national origin (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), as implemented by the Department of the Treasury’s Title VI regulations, 31 CFR Part 22, which are herein incorporated by reference and made part of this Agreement. Title VI also includes protection to persons with “Limited English Proficiency” in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., as incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement. Further, SUBRECEIPIENT agrees to comply with the provisions of CIVIC RIGHTS ACT OF 1964.
Run 2 times:
Open: 3/13/2024