Nov 30
Bid ended

22-044-A Water & Sewer System Improvements to Serve Cold-Link Logistics #14430

Ellisville, MS (H-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 11/30/23 9:00am

Company & Contacts

Pickering Engineering Services, PLLC
Wiley Pickering (  
(601) 498-6945

The Jones County Board of Supervisors will receive sealed bids at the office of the Economic Development Authority of Jones County, located at 112 Base Drive, Laurel, Mississippi, 39440, until 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 16, 2023 for furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment in connection with:


as described in and reflected by the plans and specifications prepared by Pickering Engineering Services, PLLC, Laurel, Mississippi, dated October, 2023, immediately after which time said sealed bids shall be publicly opened and read. All bids shall be directed to the attention of Danielle Ashley, Chairperson, Jones County and City of Ellisville Regional Economic Development Alliance, with the outside of the envelope marked "Bid Proposal for Water & Sewer System Improvements to Serve Cold-Link Logistics.” Contractor shall indicate certificate of responsibility number on the outside of the envelope.

The plans, specifications, and contract documents can be viewed and obtained online at By use of the website, the plan holders shall have the option of obtaining physical copies of the plans and specifications and shall have the opportunity to submit an official bid online.

Bids must be accompanied by bid security in the form of certified check or acceptable bid bond in an amount equal to at least five percent (5%) of the base bid. Said security to be forfeited, as liquidated damages, not penalty, by a bidder who may be awarded the contract, but who fails to carry out the terms of the proposal, execute the contract, and post the required performance bond in the form, amount, and time specified. The bid security shall be payable unconditionally to the Jones County Board of Supervisors.

Minority and Woman Owned Business Enterprises are solicited to bid on this contract as prime contractors and are encouraged to make inquiries regarding potential subcontracting opportunities, equipment, material and/or supply needs. Jones County is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and hereby notifies all bidders will be afforded the full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual preference, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status in consideration for an award.

Award of the contract, if it is awarded, will be to the lowest responsible bidder whose qualifications indicate that the award will be in the best interest of the Jones County

Board of Supervisors. The Jones County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities. The attention of Bidders is directed to the State and Federal laws governing selection and employment of labor.

No bidder may withdraw his bid within 60 days after the date of opening thereof.

Publish Dates:
Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Tuesday, October 24, 2023